
Mandy  |  mandy@psaustralia.com  |  261 posts

Recipe of the Week: Artichokes with garlic, parmesan and lemon

February 20, 2013

Artichokes with garlic, parmesan and lemon a recipe from our dear friend Tommy Tang   Not everyone knows how prepare artichokes or even eat artichokes but once you learn you will thoroughly enjoy these prickly little flowers. Season: First it is really important to eat this vegetable in season, which for the northern hemisphere is […]

Quote of the Week

February 18, 2013

“But like of each thing that the season grows” -William Shakespeare

Do you eat the food of the season?

February 18, 2013

SEASONAL one of the Seven Criteria for Food Selection……  Do you eat the food of the season? This information is taken from one of the books we were recommended to read and reference by a friend when we were tackling Natalia’s allergies and her extreme reactions to food not long after we arrived in Barcelona. […]