Quote of the Week
Yes, it’s that time again! Next week we start the 10 day countdown to the next Global Community Detox. Will you be joining us??? Starts Sunday 27th of October for 14 days.
Yes, it’s that time again! Next week we start the 10 day countdown to the next Global Community Detox. Will you be joining us??? Starts Sunday 27th of October for 14 days.
April 15, 2013
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” ~Zig Ziglar~
April 10, 2013
Over the next two days get your kit together: enema kit epsom salts and vitamin C powder plastic or glass jar with plastic lid drinking straw grapefruit and lemons – make sure you have enough for a cup extra of juice once squeezed light organic olive oil If in Barcelona you can purchase your enema […]
October 7, 2013