General: Organic apple juice – get the cloudy one not the clear one Organic olive oil Herbamere salt Miso Organic honey Balsamic vinegar Olives Vegetables – you could also add asparagus, beetroot, broccoli, and other vegetables that are good raw. Spinach Celery Carrots Avocados Lettuce – mixed and iceberg Fennel Mushrooms Tomatoes / Cherry Tomatoes […]
We start our 14 Day Detox From Home with a 3 day raw food cleanse to rest the organs as the body begins to detoxify. So many people think that eating raw is a matter of carrots and apples but there is a whole world of amazing raw food to understand. Check out the recipes […]
3 Days to go until the start of our Global Community Detox! STOP THE CAFFEINE TODAY! (coffee or tea…) It’s best to start your caffeine withdrawal a few days before the detox so that it’s not such a shock when you take all your crutches away, especially for those who are working and living with you! […]
May 10, 2014