
September 11th, 20149:52 pm @


HYPNOBIRTHING – a gentle way to give birth

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What is HypnoBirthing?

HypnoBirthing is a form of childbirth preparation that believes in women’s innate ability to give birth gently and easily.

By learning how to relax profoundly, women are able to enter easily into a relaxed state during labour. In this relaxed state, they are free to release the powerful cocktail of hormones that are necessary for labour to progress and for the baby to be born.

The key hormone in this cocktail is oxytocin. Oxytocin is the true “love hormone”, essential in the most intimate activities: sex, labour and breastfeeding.

The HypnoBirthing Course will teach birthing couples

• Deep relaxations in which the participants learn to go easily into a profound state of relaxation.

• The “tools” that they will have on hand during labour, including gentle breathing techniques and visualisations.

• Information about birth physiology, nutrition, choosing their caregiver and the options they are likely to have during labour and birth.

The HypnoBirthing course also recognizes the importance of the birth partner. As the woman’s prime support during labour, the birth partner also learns the same methods to enter relaxation, gains an in-depth understanding of the birth process and learns how to be a confident advocate for the mother and her needs.

Are you in Barcelona?

Join us for our next course date on  Saturday September 27th and Saturday October 4th.

The cost is 250 euros per couple.
If you are interested, please contact us at mandy@psaustralia.com.