Recipe of the Week: Thai Watermelon Salad

May 22nd, 20136:18 am @


Watermelon is one of our favorite fruits at this time of the year and we love to eat it as both a sweet and savory dish.  It’s great diced with thin slices of red onion and sea salt as a salad, and I just found this Thai take on it from a wonderful Australian TV show called Poh’s Kitchen that I wanted to share.  Quick, easy and delicious! Enjoy!

Thai Watermelon Salad

r1002214_11190379Serves 5 to 6 as a side dish


  • ¼ of a watermelon, cut into 3cm cubes and chilled
  • ½ scant cup of coriander, chopped roughly including stalks
  • ½ scant cup mint leaves, chopped or sliced finely
  • 1 small red onion, peeled and sliced finely


  • 4 stalks spring onions, sliced 3 mm width
  • 1 ½ tablespoons fish sauce


Combine all ingredients and toss very lightly with hands. Serve immediately.